In 2021 a full-length feature film “Lawrence: After Arabia” which starred Brian Cox, Hugh Fraser, Michael Maloney, Nicole Ansari and Tom Barber-Duffy in the title role was released. The film told the story of Lawrence’s last few months after leaving the RAF and then 11 weeks later the fatal crash, his death and the aftermath. It posits that Lawrence’s crash was no accident but an assassination.
Through investigation and examining documents there was a plethora of evidence for an assassination but none for an accident. The inquest was held two days after his death, seemed to have been a case of “premature adjudication” by the coroner who ignored evidence (damage to the bike, Catchpole and Brough’s testimony, Lawrence’s road position, search for the car etc etc) and was held under the pressure that Lawrence’s funeral was in the afternoon.
The feature film was followed by a non-fiction book called “Who Killed Lawrence of Arabia” which was published in August 2022 and delves deeper into the crash - the film inevitably only covered the crash in a few minutes. The book approaches Lawrence’s death as a murder – who had the means, motive and opportunity to remove Lawrence. The book was supported by input and direction from the late Neil Falkner who was keen to push it forward. The book is a “work in progress” – the more we esearch the more it adds to its evidence.
The long-form documentary uses the book as a foundation and the film for its drama-action sequences with input from experts in a range of fields.
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